John Beck (@jbecktwelve) chatted with Ben Criddle to give Cougar Country an update on his life. Beck works with QB’s all over the country, from the Professional level down to High School to create efficient Quarterbacks with concern to long-term health, and maximum performance output. You can learn more at www.train3dqb.com
Beck recently worked with BYU starting Quarterback, Zach Wilson. Ben inquired about a footwork drill that John requried of Zach to execute while training in Southern California that was posted on social media.(5:56):
LEAVE #johnbeck pic.twitter.com/DDJEh917r1
— Lisa Wilson (@lisadancefit) July 7, 2019
“This is called patterning drills, we did it with Zach on day one to test where he was at since he hasn’t been able to do much during his rehab.”
Beck then tells the fascinating story of his mentor Tom house and how the two met. (9:27) Not so coincidentally these two got matched up to create an amazing duo.
“When I was a kid my dad bought me Tom House’s pitching books.” (9:50)
“I called Drew Brees from a Barnes & Noble we talked about Tom House and he said he will get me set up.” (11:38)
Beck then updated us on Zach’s rehabilitation phase (13:10):
“Zach is a really hard-working and dedicated kid. If we aren’t working together he is sending me clips from his iPad to see what he can work on. There is not a wasted moment with this kid.” (13:45)
Criddle asked the question who you can compare Zach to and his greatest abilities (15:35):
“You can see these things in Zach that you could see in Ty Detmer, Robbie Bosco, and Steve Young. People should be very excited about what he is capable of. (16:48)”
Was there a particular throw that you were most impressed by from Zach last year? (18:55)
Beck referenced this throw below and broke down why he was so impressed with it.