How did you become a BYU fan?
We asked the question on Cougar Sports about how your father helped shape your BYU fandom. We got a lot of answers from our listeners and they were all great, so we decided to make sure that everyone saw them.
Feel free to share your own in the comments.
Never had cable growing up. Listened to @gregwrubell for most games. I’ll never forget listening to the 2006 rivalry game with my Dad. To this day, listening to games on the radio is my favorite way to follow BYU football. – @_jgibbster
Mid 80s, we didn’t have tix. Listened on car radio w/ Pops & siblings. At 8 yo, K turned to Pops & said when he gets older, he’ll work hard to make sure Pops can watch more Y games inside the stadium than outside of it. #speakitintoexistence – @sweetie_sitake
My dad and I made the drive from San Diego to Provo to see BYU vs Utah on three occasions. Taught me a lot and gave me great memories! – @NickLee51
Season tickets. We’d ride the UTA bus from Skyline down to games. He’d bring medical journals to read during timeouts. Go to bowl games too. I remember sitting in freezing weather for 1 of the 34-31 Utah games when I was 9 years old. Never looked back since. All thanks to my dad – @mamamjg
He had a huge impact on my fandom. I remember him holding up an antenna with a hand on the doorknob so he could get reception to watch #byu – @svutility
I knew the fight song at 2 yrs because of him, watched every game every year with him. I bleed blue because of him. Thanks @knicholas7 – @collinbyu
#ESPN960 Love for all things BYU started when my dad took me to watch BYU in the Fiesta Bowl in 1974. Hooked ever since. – @gbm4byu
First time I seriously watched football was BYU vs. Oklahoma 2009 with dad. It was awesome – @Harrison0Yfan
After attending my first game at 2 weeks old 30 years ago, walking into LES in 2015 with my dad holding my 9 day old baby boy! #webleedblue – @laceandrus
Listening to Paul James calling basketball games while milking cows with my dad. In the sixties. – @rmdurtschi
My dad hated football games but took me to almost every home game because he knew I loved it. It was a time for him to get quality time w/me – @cougarfandave
My first live BYU game was with my dad and it was against the UofU. BYU lost but I was hooked. Plus we saw an awesome fight in front of us. – @Kolobrdm
My dad has never been active in church, but has been a huge BYU. We would cover the neighbor’s Utes bus with BYU stuff every year. – @rockmonster1232
He is THE reason I am a BYU fan. Back before Directv & such my dad would drive me up to the hills in Star Valley, Wyoming so we could get better reception to listen to Paul James do radio play by play of BYU Football & Basketball games. – @Cougar_Nate
everything. have had season tickets since I was 6 yrs old. – @cjhirschi
Mine was w/grandpa. Season bball tickets from 5-19. Never missed a game. Ainge, Durrant, smith, chapman, haws, Bradley, etc – @nqpdoggy
Went to every BYU Football and Basketball game for over a decade. Still talk about every single game together. – @cbckidatheart
Had season tickets. In ’96 I was 8 & was sitting in north stands with dad and grandpa. Met Cosmo & got to see Dye crush it. #ThisIsY #BYU – @GregRosenhan
As a BYU professor and staunch Ute fan, he entrenched my love of BYU forever by yelling “GO UTES!” whenever they would make a big play. My brothers and I never really understood his masochism for being a Ute fan, but we loved him anyway. – @mormonmaverick
My dad played for the U, and hated them until the day he died. Fave memory was Vegas Bowl win vs Oregon, last live game together – @BluCougTX
My dad had a parent-teacher conference (yes, on a saturday). His Chem friend was a huge ute. He held up the score every time BYU scored. Happened to be the biggest blowout win for BYU against Utah. They guy quit looking after a while. – @Y4LYFE
My Dad managed training table in the 80’s @ the old Cannon Center. Best memories were taking post game sack lunches into locker room @ LES – @Cougketeer
Favorite memory was watching the cotton bowl with him, I’ll never forget. – @El_Mas_Micah
He introduced me as a 5 yo. We watched the ’84 Holiday bowl at a friends who had ESPN. He rented a hotel room to watch Detmer beat Miami – @TrueBlueNoU
He is the reason I’m a fan. My was going to A&M in 96 with just me and him. We went to every home game that year, as well as the cotton bowl – @cole_duke
Took me to the scrimmages growing up, and always brought home curds from the creamery. BYU football was always a talking point between us – @El_Mas_Micah
He’s the whole reason I became a fan. Lots of great memories, but watching Beck to Harline in our family room is probably top of the list – @wendy_b
My dad always bought me byu stuff and I watched games with him then when I was 10 he got me a season ticket and been going to every game. Since then . I’m 22 now. Me and my dad are the biggest cougar fans never miss a home game and watch every away game on tv – @TyScottJensen
My dad taught TV Production classes at BYU. He got sideline passes to shoot a BYU-Utah game and took me with him. So rad. We beat Utah too. – @TheyCallMeEazy
Season tickets all growing up, he worked on the team as equip manager. Saw Tom Holmoe at Cougar Walk, Tom came up to him to chat. #CougDads Favorite memory is us literally emptying piggy banks to get to OU v BYU in 09. Recession hit us strong but we went and it was worth it – @Chase_a_saurus
He’s the reason I cheer for the Y. Best memories are growing up outside Utah and watching the games on the satellite at the ward building. – @Madness2112